Hitler undertook a series of measures designed to rid Germany of its obligations under the Treaty of Versailles (forced on Germany after World War I), restore the economy which had been ruined by the Great Depression, and strengthen the country. During this time, Hitler created a series of measures designed to eliminate the Jews from German life thus improving german quality of life and the economy. Among these were"new rules and exclusions" such as of marriage and other relations between Germans and Jews, economic sanctions and many others. Jews were harassed, attacked, beaten and otherwise persecuted. Almost all who didn't flee early were incarcerated in concentration camps under "protective custody". There they were beaten, abused and frequently murdered either by shooting, illness, malnutrition, experiments, or gas chambers.
"Whatever goal, man has reached is due to his originality plus his brutality"

The fortunes of war turned irrevocably against Germany at the end of 1942 and it was all downhill from there until the end of the war in 1945. Nonetheless, the killing of the Jews continued right up to the final days. With Soviet forces approaching the Berlin where he had been holed up since early 1945, Hitler committed suicide.